V starih cajtih je živel na gradu Dvor v Tolminu bogat grof. Imel je lepo hčer, zrelo za ženitev. Snubit so jo hodili lepi in bogati pobi. Ta hči pa je bila kajbiš prečisana, da ni marala prav nobenega. Vsi po vrsti so odšli razočarani.
Kazen za to prevzetnost je morala prit. En dan je prišel na Dvor sam hudič, da bi jo zasnubil. Prišel je kot lepo oblečen gospod in jo zaprosil za roko. Pravil ji je, kako je bogat, da ima doli pri morju devet gradov in da bo ona gospa na tistih gradovih.
Toda grajsko hči je spet zgrabila ošabnost in rekla mu je, da noče tako grdega moža. Tedaj je hudič udaril s kopitom ob tla, da je nastal potres in da se je Dvor z ošabno gospodično vred pogreznil v zemljo. Nastala je grapa, ki ji še danes pravijo Pod dorom.
Ljudska pripovedka, Tolmin 1958
Vir: J.Dolenc, Zlati Bogatin
kajbiš – tako, toliko
prečisana – prevzetna
In old times a rich count lived at the castle Dvor in Tolmin. He had a beautiful daughter, who was of an age to marry. She was courted by many handsome and rich young men. But she was so proud that she didn’t want any of them. They all left disappointed.
However, she was soon to be punished for her pride. One day the devil himself came to court her. He came dressed as a gentleman and asked her to marry him. He told her how rich he was, that he had nine castles at the coast and that she would be the lady of all those castles.
But she was again struck by vanity and told him that she didn’t want such un ugly husband. At that moment the devil stamped his hoof on the ground and caused un earthquake, which made the castle Dvor, together with the prideful count`s daughter to disappear into the ground. A gorge appeared instead that is still called Pod dorom (Under the castle).
Folkstory, Tolmin 1958
Source: J.Dolenc, Zlati Bogatin