Skoči na glavno vsebino RIBA FARONIKA RIBA FARONIKA – Knjižnica Cirila Kosmača Tolmin


Na dnu morja naj bi kraljevala riba Faronika. Ob njenem premikanju se strese zemlja in nastanejo zemeljske katastrofe. Ime ribe je povezano s faraonovimi vojščaki, ki jih je požrlo Rdeče morje in so se spremenili v ribe, ki pa le občasno prevzamejo človeško obliko. V Pesemi o Faroniki Jezus prosi, naj se riba ne pomika naprej, saj bo svet zaradi tega pogubljen.

Izročilo o Faroniki se je združilo z izročilom o zlati deklici Veroniki, ki je bila pol kača in pol deklica. V tako pošast se je spremenila zaradi pohlepa in sebičnosti, saj beraču, ki jo je prosil za milost ni hotela podariti niti groša.

Riba Faronika je pesem, ki se je ohranila na Tolminskem in so jo včasih ljudje prav radi prepevali.


Riba Faronika

Riba po morju plava,

riba Faronika.

Jezus za njo priplava

po morju globočin:

ʺO le čakaj, čakaj, riba,

riba Faronika!

Te bomo kaj prašali,

kak se po svet godi.ʺ

ʺČe bom jest z mojim repom zvila,

ves svet potopljen bo;

Če se bom jest na moj hrbt zvrnila,

ves svet pogubljen bo.ʺ

ʺO nikar, nikar, riba,

riba Faronika!

Zavolj nedolžnih otročičev,

zavolj porodnih žen.ʺ


Tolminska ljudska pesem




At the bottom of the sea, fish Faron rules. When she moves, the earth shakes and disasters strike. The name of the fish is related to the Pharaoh’s warriors, who were swallowed by the Red Sea and turned into fish, which only occasionally will take on human form. In the Song of fish Faron, Jesus asks the fish not to move forward, because the world would be lost. The story of Fish Faron was merged with the tradition of the golden girl Veronica, who was half a serpent and half girl. She changed into such monster because of greed and selfishness, as she didn’t give anything to the a beggar. Fish Faron is a folksong that was preserved in Tolmin. People of times gone-by loved to sing this song.


Fish Faron

A fish swims over sea,

Fish Faron.

Jesus swims behind her,

Over the depths of the sea:

“Wait, wait, fish,

Fish Faron!

We’ll ask you something,

What’s going on in the world?”

“If I’m going to twist my tail,

the whole world will be sunk;

If I’m going to turn on my back,

the whole world will be lost.”

“Oh, no, no, fish,

Fish Faron!

For the sake of innocent babies,

For the sake of delivering women.”


Tolmin folksong
source: Wikipedia


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